Jun 11, 2019 · If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of using a third-party content blocker alongside Safari (which involves diving into the Settings app whenever you want to toggle it on), then consider

To block pop-ups on your iPad, you'll have to enable blocking in the Settings app in the Safari section. If you are still seeing pop-ups, you should clear your iPad's Safari browser cache. Visit Peace Ad Blocker Au lendemain de la publication d'iOS 9, cette application est l'extension de blocage de contenus la plus téléchargée, alors même qu'elle est payante. Jan 14, 2020 · Unlike AdBlock on your desktop, AdBlock for mobile apps doesn't have a pause feature. If you're browsing a site on your mobile device and you don't want AdBlock to run temporarily, you'll need to turn off content blocking. Are you looking f

AdBlock is the original iOS ad blocker, and has been the go-to for many iPhone and iPad users since 2012. Where AdBlock excels is in its ease of use - after installing the app, all you need to do

Adblock Plus, the most popular ad blocker on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS. Block pop-ups and annoying ads on websites like Facebook and YouTube.

Adblocker ausschalten oder Werbung zulassen: Safari (iOS) Für Safari auf dem iPhone und iPad gibt es eine Erweiterung, um Werbung auszublenden. Um für einzelne Webseiten Werbung trotzdem zuzulassen, folgen Sie der Anleitung.

Following the release of MacOS 10.14 and Safari 12, many in-browser ad blockers stopped working. Luckily, the uBlock MacOS app has you covered, making uBlock the best ad blocker for Safari 12. uBlock will block annoying ads, obnoxious video ads, and intrusive trackers. It will also block most pop-up ads and help protect against some forms of 1Blocker lets you block ads, trackers, and other unwanted web content. It's easy to use and doesn’t slow down Safari. 1Blocker comes with over 120,000 built-in blocker rules. It is very configurable and all your settings are synced over iCloud.