Nov 29, 2017

Routing network traffic through a transparent SOCKS5 proxy Aug 24, 2017 Transparent Proxy with Linux and Squid mini-HOWTO 2.4 Proxy Authentication. 3. Configuring the Kernel. 4. Setting up squid. 5. Setting up iptables (Netfilter) 6. Transparent Proxy to a Remote Box . 6.1 First method (simpler, but does not work for some esoteric cases) 6.2 Second method (more complicated, but more general) 6.3 Method One: What if iptables-box is on a dynamic IP? 7. Transparent

A transparent proxy, also known as an inline proxy, intercepting proxy or forced proxy, is a server that intercepts the connection between an end-user or device and the internet. It is called “transparent” because it does so without modifying requests and responses.

Transparent Proxy with Linux and Squid mini-HOWTO

Squid Transparent proxy server : How to configure

To start it, enter the proxy command in a Command window. A sample command is: proxy -t 2000 localhost 23 . Note: In Windows, to open a Command window for entering the proxy command, use Start --> Run, then enter cmd.exe (for Win 2000 and Win XP) or (for Win 95 and Win 98). proxy.txt - documentation file Squid for Windows DNS Safety Filter. For non managed network a filtering DNS forwarder may be a good option. DNS Safety allows you to filter access to domain names by categories, prevent access to specific domains and apply different access policies for different users.