had hoped they might be better than the RPi but the Soekris were rather worse. - 4501, RPi hardware 1 to 3 - how long is a piece of string? Claimed offsets are within +/- 5 microseconds on RP2, but perhaps as much as +/- 20 microseconds with different hardware and OS version (all are Raspbian). - Yes.
Apr 27, 2006 · Soekris 4501 gateway AP's on every floor Router and Modem down stairs but not in public reach. Discussion is locked. Follow. Follow this discussion and email me when there are updates Stop Boards from Soekris Engineering (4501 and 4801) are used for routers up to 30Mb/s, while Nexcom P4 GigE and VIA 100Mb boards are used for 100Mb/s connections and upwards to 300–500Mb/s on a good day. The Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall (LEAF) forms the basis of all software used on Citylink routing hardware. Oct 25, 2005 · I'm pleased with my Soekris 4501 running m0n0wall. posted by jackmakrl at 4:19 PM on October 25, 2005 . I also recommend smoothwall. I bought an old dell for $40 at a Jul 11, 2007 · So I’m valiantly trying to brick a soekris in an effort to maintain my laziness. Start by making sure you have the /dev/nvram interface. In Pyramid you need to make it: cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV nvram. The nvram module will load when you access the device, provided modules.conf contains: alias char-major-10-144 nvram. Grab a copy of the nvram: If it were me, I'd repurpose an old PC, or a dedicated board such as a Soekris 4501 Before you repurpose a PC for something that can be done by a lightweight appliance, keep in mind the power costs. A PC that uses 100 watts will cost around $130/year in power (in California @ $.15/KWh). Rudi van Drunen, CTO and Chief Engineer of Xlexit Technology B.V., located in The Netherlands says, "I've been using Soekris boards for different embedded applications ever since the 4501 came out
Jul 11, 2007 · So I’m valiantly trying to brick a soekris in an effort to maintain my laziness. Start by making sure you have the /dev/nvram interface. In Pyramid you need to make it: cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV nvram. The nvram module will load when you access the device, provided modules.conf contains: alias char-major-10-144 nvram. Grab a copy of the nvram:
Aug 24, 2008 · Soekris net5501. This article is to describe how to get Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 working with the Soekris net5501. Preliminary Work. Setting console speed. The net5501 has a default console-speed of 19200bps. Installation will be much more frictionless if this is increased to a higher speed, say 57600bps. Reducing this to 9600bps will make you cry.
SUR UN SOEKRIS NET 4501 (depuis Linux Ubuntu 11.04) Bonjour à tous. Aujourd'hui je vais vous présenter comment installer un système pfsense 2.0 sur un routeur Soekris net 4501. Pourquoi faire ça ? Dans mon cas, il y avait un boitier 4501 qui traînait sur un meuble.
My firewall at home transitioned from a linux box with a set of custom ipchains rules to a dell running m0n0 to a soekris. The soekris 4501 is good up to about a 17 mbps without vpn, the soekris Soekris Engineering, Inc, products net5501 Soekris 5501 manual arts. This compact, low-power, low-cost, advanced communication computer is based on an up to 500 Mhz 586 class processor. It has four 10/100 Mbit ethernet ports, up to 512 Mbyte DDR-SDRAM main memory and uses a CompactFlash module for program and data storage. ifgraph is a nice utility that you can run on a machine on your LAN to query SNMP on your m0n0wall and graph its interfaces. Note that you may be able to hack m0n0wall to run this locally, but if you have a connection with moderate bandwidth and are running on low end hardware like a Soekris 4501, this could limit the device's throughput.